Appeal to the Diaspora (EN)

Dear compatriots, brothers and sisters!

Today Ukraine is going through very difficult and dramatic times, it is a real test for the unity and integrity of the Ukrainian people. But these times are also historical and fateful. Exactly right now there is a birth of Ukrainian political nation and civil society. We are not just a piece of the old Soviet system with its defects and mentality. We are a completely different country, no one has the right to indicate the path of development we choose, only Ukrainians can create the future of their country.

Now Ukraine has become a battleground in confrontation of radically different values systems – democracy against the authoritarian regime of Russian Federation. Because of aggressive, dirty and totally unlawful actions of Russia blood of Ukrainian civilians and military flows . These difficult conditions form the basis for threats not only to territorial integrity, but also to the statehood of Ukraine.

To defeat the aggressor we need to demonstrate our unity and commitment to our country. The testament of Shevchenko has become real slogan in our difficult struggle – “Battle on – and win your battle! God Himself will aid you; At your side fight truth and glory; Right and holy freedom”.

Today, theRegional Charity Fund “Defense Assistance Foundation of Zaporizhia region” created to deal with Russian aggression. The main areas of work are meeting and protection of interests of Zaporizhia region citizens in security, defense of public safety, defense potential improving of military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine and others which are established in accordance to the current legislation of Ukraine. The Foundation supports and provides all the necessary stuff for the military units which are serving to protect Ukraine from military aggression, terrorist groups’ illegal attempts. For more information you can visit the site

We, Zaporizhian people, descendants of famous Cossacks, that dedicated their lives to fighting for freedom of Ukraine, appeal to you with the request to support the initiative and provide charitable financial assistance. Let’s unite in the fight for freedom and independence – only together we can win!

Thank you for your help in the fight for truth and freedom of our country.

Truth is at our side! God stands with us! Glory to Ukraine!


Head of Regional Charity Fund

Defense Assistance Foundation

of Zaporizhia region K. Akula